Let's celebrate Chinese New Year
Do you want to get a lucky money? Let’s play
Hit Plane + Big Bass Bonanza + New Baccarat to get awesome
prizes Join to win over 300,000 coupons

Activity Date & Time
29th January 2025 (00:00 hrs.) – 31st January 2025 (23:59 hrs.)

Activity Details
Top 30 players with the highest daily turnover will be rewarded.
Players must have a minimum daily turnover of 100K to get the rewards.

Special Prizes
Players with the highest total turnover from 29th – 31st January 2025 in each game will receive 20,000 coupons
per game, with a maximum of 60,000 coupons.
(Players who can receive special prize in that game must have a turnover of 1M or more.)
Participated Games
Hit Plane + Big Bass Bonanza + New Baccarat

Additional Terms
If it is found that the player has used dishonest methods to increase the turnover or add other conditions
related to the activity for gaining benefits, the administrator will disqualify that ID account from
receiving any prize from any Lucky Games activities (the administrator reserves the right to disqualify
that ID account from receiving any prize without prior notice.)
Activity Prizes
1st place receive 10,000 coupons
2nd place receive 7,000 coupons
3rd place receive 6,000 coupons
4th – 5th place receive 5,000 coupons
6th – 7th place receive 4,000 coupons
8th – 10th place receive 3,000 coupons
11th – 20th place receive 2,000 coupons
21st – 30th place receive 1,000 coupons
Special Prize for 3 Days
1st place of each game receives 20,000 coupons
Total Prize of 300,000 coupons

- Players who join the activities must complete all conditions set within the activities in order to
receive the reward.
- Lucky Games activities do not participate in the ranking conditions for passing VJ salary rates.
- The results of the activities will be announced and prizes will be added within 5 business days after
the activities ends.
- Any activity that is held during a server shutdown or for any reason that makes it is impossible to go
online will have the original end time.
- We reserve the right to change the activity details without prior notice.
- The decision of administrator is final.
- The reward ranking is based on the updated ranking on the last day of the activity only.
- If it is found that the player has used dishonest methods to increase the turnover or add other
conditions related to the activity for gaining benefits, the administrator will disqualify that ID
account from receiving any prize from any Lucky Games activities.
- The reference time is based on system time.
For inquiries, problem reports, or to claim prizes,
please contact LINE @luckygames
or Facebook : @luckygamesmlive
Let's celebrate Chinese New Year
Mau THR imlek harus main Hit Plane + Big Bass Bonanza + New Baccarat
Menangkan Total Hadiah 300.000 Kupon!

Durasi Event
29 Januari 2025 (00.00) – 31 Januari 2025 (23.59) WIB

Detail Event
➤ 30 pemain dengan Turnover tertinggi setiap hari akan mendapatkan hadiah
➤harus memiliki Turnover minimum 100K per hari untuk memenuhi syarat hadiah

Hadiah Spesial
➤ Pemain dengan total Turnover tertinggi dari tanggal 29-31 Januari 2025 untuk setiap game akan mendapatkan
20.000 kupon per game. Maksimal 60.000 kupon
(Pemain harus memiliki Turnover minimal 1M pada game tersebut)
Game yang Berpartisipasi
Hit Plane + Big Bass Bonanza + New Baccarat
Syarat Tambahan
Jika ditemukan bahwa pemain melakukan penggelembungan Turnover atau memanipulasi syarat lain yang terkait
dengan event ini untuk keuntungan pribadi, tim Lucky Games berhak mencabut hak hadiah dari akun tersebut
untuk semua event yang diselenggarakan oleh Lucky Games
(Hak untuk mencabut hadiah dilakukan tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya)

Hadiah Event
Rank 1 menerima 10.000 Kupon
Rank 2 menerima 7.000 Kupon
Rank 3 menerima 6.000 Kupon
Rank 4-5 menerima 5.000 Kupon
Rank 6-7 menerima 4.000 Kupon
Rank 8-10 menerima 3.000 Kupon
Rank 11-20 menerima 2.000 Kupon
Rank 21-30 menerima 1.000 Kupon
Hadiah Spesial Total 3 Hari
Peringkat 1 di setiap game menerima 20.000 Kupon
Total Hadiah 300.000 Kupon
- Pemain yang berpartisipasi harus memenuhi semua syarat
yang ditentukan untuk menerima hadiah
- Event Lucky Games tidak berlaku untuk memenuhi syarat peringkat dalam pencapaian gaji VJ
- Pengumuman hasil dan pemberian hadiah akan dilakukan
dalam waktu 5 hari kerja setelah event selesai
- Event yang diadakan selama waktu maintenance server atau kejadian lain yang mengakibatkan tidak dapat
online, tetap mengikuti waktu selesai event sesuai jadwal
- Kami berhak mengubah detail tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya
- Keputusan tim dianggap final
- Peringkat hadiah akan mengacu pada peringkat yang diperbarui pada hari terakhir event
- Jika ditemukan bahwa pemain melakukan penggelembungan Turnover atau memanipulasi syarat lain untuk
keuntungan pribadi, hak hadiah akan dicabut untuk semua event Lucky Games
- Waktu event mengacu pada waktu sistem
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, melaporkan masalah, atau klaim hadiah
silakan hubungi LINE : @luckygames
atau Facebook : @luckygamesmlive
Winnine Pacific Pty Ltd ,NSW Australia