Win a prize at 90,000 coupons

18 FEB 2025 (12.00 am) – 23 FEB 2025 (11.59 pm)

1. Top 10 hosts with most Turnover points during event period will earn reward.

2.Special reward for host who reach 1M of Turnover point per day for 3days, each host will earn additional 10,000 coupons
(For first 3 hosts only)

Player who on top ranking will receive special reward.
[Valid for 7 days]

Receive Skin Profile + Skin Chatframe
[Lucky Pinky]

Participated games

1st place, receives 20,000 Coupons
2nd - 3rd place, receives 10,000 Coupons
4th – 5 place, receive 5,000 Coupons
6th – 10th place, receives 2,000 Coupons

1st - 3rd place, receives 10,000 coupons


Event conditions
(Host who attend in the event must pass these conditions
Host who reached 1st place in rank must receive 3M or more of Turnover.
Host who reached 2nd- 3rd place in rank must receive 2M or more of Turnover.
Host who reached 4th – 5th place in rank must receive 1M or more of Turnover.
Host who reached 6th – 10th place in rank must receive 500K or more of Turnover.

Event conditions (reserve)
If host who reached 1st place in rank receive 2M or more of Turnover,
will receive 10,000 coupons.
If host who reached 1st – 3rd places in rank receive 1M or more of Turnover,
will receive 5,000 coupons.
If host who reached 1st – 5th places in rank receive 500K or more of Turnover,
will receive 2,000 coupons.
If host who reached 1st – 10th places in rank receive 250K or more of Turnover,
will receive 1,000 coupons.
(Players cannot receive prize from both conditions)

If one of each host in rank cannot pass all conditions we provide, but get 100K or more of Turnover point will receive 500 coupons each.

(The reserve event condition is provided for players who cannot pass the event conditions, but places in top rank. Moreover, players cannot receive rewards from both conditions)

- Participants require to reach all of conditions during
event period for receive the rewards.
- Lucky Games event will not be a part of broadcaster ranking conditions.
- Announcement of results and awarding within 5 working days after the end of event.
- In case of server maintenance or another reason
causing players cannot be online during event holding,
event still ends as it was.
- We reserve the right to change the event details without prior notice.
- The staff’s decision is final.
- Rewards will be referred from ranking that update on the last day of event.
- Time is mainly based on server.
- For more information, problem report or event rewards please contact LINE : @luckygames
or Facebook : @luckygamesmlive
Menangkan lebih dari 90.000 kupon

Durasi Event
18 Februari 2025 (00.00) – 23 Februari 2025 (23.59) WIB

Detail Event
1. VJ dengan turnover terbanyak dari game yang berpartisipasi
Dalam periode event, 10 VJ teratas akan menerima hadiah

2. hadiah spesial, jika VJ memiliki turnover harian 1M selama 3 hari
Akan menerima 10.000 kupon tambahan per orang
(Terbatas hanya 3 VJ teratas)

Pemain yang berperingkat akan menerima hadiah spesial
(masa berlaku 7 hari)

Set Skin Profile+Chatframe
[Lucky Pinky]

Game yang Berpartisipasi

Hadiah Event
Juara 1 menerima 20.000 kupon
Juara 2-3 menerima 10.000 kupon
Juara 4-5 menerima 5.000 kupon
Juara 6-10 menerima 2.000 kupon

Hadiah Spesial
Juara 1-3 menerima 10.000 kupon

Total hadiah 90.000 kupon

(VJ yang berpartisipasi harus memenuhi ketentuan berikut)
Juara 1 harus memiliki turnover 3M atau lebih
Juara 2-3 harus memiliki turnover 2M atau lebih
Juara 4-5 harus memiliki turnover 1M atau lebih
Juara 6-10 harus memiliki turnover 500K atau lebih

Ketentuan (cadangan)
Juara 1 dengan turnover 2M atau lebih akan menerima 10.000 kupon
Juara 1-3 dengan turnover 1M atau lebih akan menerima 5.000 kupon
Juara 1-5 dengan turnover 500K atau lebih akan menerima 2.000 kupon
Juara 1-10 dengan turnover 250K atau lebih akan menerima 1.000 kupon
(VJ tidak dapat menerima hadiah dari kedua kondisi secara bersamaan)

Jika VJ tidak memenuhi ketentuan cadangan
Tetapi memiliki turnover 100K atau lebih akan menerima 500 kupon

(Ketentuan (Cadangan) hanya tersedia untuk pemain yang berperingkat
Tetapi tidak memenuhi persyaratan akan masuk ketentuan tersebut
VJ tidak dapat menerima hadiah dari kedua kondisi secara bersamaan)

- Pemain yang berpartisipasi harus memenuhi syarat yang ditentukan untuk menerima hadiah.
- Event Lucky Games tidak berlaku untuk syarat peringkat dalam mencapai berbagai tingkatan gaji VJ. - Pengumuman hasil aktivitas dan penambahan hadiah akan dilakukan dalam waktu 5 hari kerja setelah event berakhir.
- Jika aktivitas diadakan selama waktu pemeliharaan server atau alasan lain yang menyebabkan ketidakmampuan untuk online, waktu berakhir aktivitas tetap sesuai jadwal semula.
- Kami berhak untuk mengubah detail aktivitas tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya.
- Keputusan tim dianggap final dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
- Peringkat hadiah akan didasarkan pada peringkat yang diperbarui pada hari terakhir aktivitas.
- Waktu akan mengikuti waktu sistem yang berlaku. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut,
melaporkan masalah, atau klaim hadiah,
Silahkan hubungi LINE: @luckygames
atau Facebook: @luckygamesmlive
Winnine Pacific Pty Ltd ,NSW Australia