luffy 5
Total Reward of 250,000 Coupons

7 FEB 2025 (12.00AM) – 11 FEB 2025 (11.59PM) GMT+7

➤ TOP 10 daily player who cumulate 5,000 Turnover each day
Will receive 200 coupons and maximum receive 5,000 coupons. 

EVENT is on a Daily basis.
➤ Start at 12.00 AM till 11.59 PM on each day.

luffy 5

TOP 10th places receive, Maximum 5,000 coupons/day.

Total reward of 250,000 coupons

- Participants require to reach all of conditions during event period will receive the rewards.
- Lucky Games event will not be a part of broadcaster ranking conditions.
- Announcement of results and awarding within 5 working days after the end of event.
- In case of server maintenance or another reason causing players cannot be online during event holding,
event still ends as it was.
- We reserve the right to change the event details without prior notice.
- The staff’s decision is final.
- Rewards will be referred from ranking that update on the last day of event.
- Time is mainly based on server.
- For more information, problem report or event rewards
please contact LINE : @luckygames
or Facebook : @luckygamesmlive
Winnine Pacific Pty Ltd ,NSW Australia