tap to see more of ranking.
Kick off the month with energy and set the pace for success
7 OCT 2024 (3.00 PM) - 13 OCT 2024 (11.59 PM) GMT+7
1. Top 3 hosts who have highest score will be rewarded.
2. Host requires to cumulate 300,000 coupons of Pay Gift for eligible to receive reward.
3. Host requires to live during 05.01 AM – 5.00 PM GMT+7 at least 2 hrs. during event period.
4. Host requires to live during 05.01 PM – 5.00 AM GMT+7 at least 4 hrs. during event period.
1 coupon of Pay Gift = 1 point
1st place, receives 100,000 coupons.
2nd place, receives 70,000 coupons.
3rd place, receives 50,000 coupons.
- Reserved the right only for host under INTER tab to participate in this event.
- Host who participates the event,must host the program and interact with User.
host who sleeps, turns the camera to the empty room and the ceiling, broadcasts with the black screen,
or acts inappropriately while hosting the program, will be disqualified from the rewards.
- Checking and prize giving by the staff will takes place within 5-7 days after the event has been over
- We reserve the right to change the event details without prior notice.
- The staff’s decision is final.
- The app follows the advertised event's period time regardless of whether a server issue or similar case arises.
- The team reserves the right not to count event points from gifts received
from users who have not made a top-up earlier.
- Time is mainly based on server.
Sponsored by WinNine Pacific : winnine.com.au
- Reserved the right only for host under INTER tab to participate in this event.
- Host who participates the event,must host the program and interact with User.
host who sleeps, turns the camera to the empty room and the ceiling, broadcasts with the black screen,
or acts inappropriately while hosting the program, will be disqualified from the rewards.
- Checking and prize giving by the staff will takes place within 5-7 days after the event has been over
- We reserve the right to change the event details without prior notice.
- The staff’s decision is final.
- The app follows the advertised event's period time regardless of whether a server issue or similar case arises.
- The team reserves the right not to count event points from gifts received
from users who have not made a top-up earlier.
- Time is mainly based on server.
Sponsored by WinNine Pacific : winnine.com.au
Winnine Pacific Pty Ltd ,NSW Australia