Special promotion from Luckygold! First daily top up GOLD will receive bonus!!
21 SEP 2024 (12.00 AM) - 30 SEP 2024 (11.59 PM) GMT+7
First daily top up GOLD of each day during event period
will receive 50% bonus of top up amount.

**User requires to reach 4 times of bonus
amount to unlock the GOLD Lock**
Top up 100 THB = 8,500 Golds
Will receives 4,250 Gold Lock as bonus.
Require to reach 17,000 Turnover for unlock GOLD lock bonus to be normal GOLD.
**Receive bonus once per day**
**Reserve the right to count only first top up per day during event period**
User who tops up each day during event period will receives Limited Skin/Chat Frame from Lucky Gold

Lucky GOLD Skin Profile & Chat Frame (Valid from 1 – 7 days following conditions)
Top up GOLD will receive 1 day bonus and SKIN Profile for 1 day.
Top up GOLD will receive 7 days bonus and SKIN Profile for 7 days.
1. Tap on “Game” tab > Gold tab >QR payment banner

2. Scan the QR Code by Bank app, after finish transaction will receive GOLD within 2- 5 minutes.

100 THB = 8,500 GOLDs
200 THB = 18,500 GOLDs
500 THB = 48,500 GOLDs
1,000 THB = 98,500 GOLDs
10,000 THB = 998,500 GOLDs
Transaction fee cost 15 THB.
X100 = Number of receiving GOLD.
Top up 100 THB
100-15 = 85 THB
85x100 = 8,500 GOLDs