26 July 2024 (12.00 AM) - 25 August 2024 (11.59 PM) GMT+7
First 100 Hosts who under mentioned rate which reach 1 game Turnover or total games Turnover over 2M
coupons during event period will receive 500 THB.
Fishsaga | Pirate King | Slot Machine |
Fishsaga Live | Pirate King Live | Slot Machine (indo) |
Fishsaga (Indo) | Pirate King (indo) | Tiger Gold |
Mole Hit | Mario | Tiger Gold (indo) |
Mole Hit (indo) | Mario (indo) | Happyfarm |
Hitplane | Fishsaga gold | Happyfarm (indo) |
Hitplane (indo) | Fishsaga gold (indo) | Slot Machine Live |
(Game list will announce on every 26th and effective only event period only)
Condition: Reach over 2M coupon of Turnover for receive reward.
(Check your Turnover Dairy > Lucky games History)
- Cash reward will receive with monthly salary.
- Reserved the right only Mcat / Mking / Mking2023 / MGlobal / Takeme / Callplay rate for participate and receive reward
(others rate and Super global rate which not mentioned will be invalid)
- Host under Mcat/Mking/Global rate required to reach 50 Mdoll during event period.
- Host under Mking 2023 rate required to reach 50 Mking during event period.
- Takeme/CallPlay host required to reach 30 Mdoll during event period.
- Host under rate (Mcat/Global) which ha playing round condition will possible to join following game list follow condition.
- Host who didn’t follow the conditions will be disqualify from event rewards.
- We reserve the right to change the event details
without prior notice.
- Event participation and reward receiving
must be under the company conditions.
- The staff’s decision is final.
- Rewards will be referred from ranking that
update on the last day of event.
- Time is mainly based on server.
- For more information, problem report or event rewards
please contact LINE : @luckygames
or Facebook : @luckygamesmlive
- Cash reward will receive with monthly salary.
- Reserved the right only Mcat / Mking / Mking2023 / MGlobal / Takeme / Callplay rate for participate and receive reward
(others rate and Super global rate which not mentioned will be invalid)
- Host under Mcat/Mking/Global rate required to reach 50 Mdoll during event period.
- Host under Mking 2023 rate required to reach 50 Mking during event period.
- Takeme/CallPlay host required to reach 30 Mdoll during event period.
- Host under rate (Mcat/Global) which ha playing round condition will possible to join following game list follow condition.
- Host who didn’t follow the conditions will be disqualify from event rewards.
- We reserve the right to change the event details
without prior notice.
- Event participation and reward receiving
must be under the company conditions.
- The staff’s decision is final.
- Rewards will be referred from ranking that
update on the last day of event.
- Time is mainly based on server.
- For more information, problem report or event rewards
please contact LINE : @luckygames
or Facebook : @luckygamesmlive
26 Juli 2024 (00.00 WIB) - 25 Agustus 2024 (23.59 WIB)
VJ setiap rate yang melakukan Turnover di semua game atau salah satu game
100 orang pertama yang punya minimum 2.000.000 kupon atau lebih dalam
periode event yang ditentukan akan menerima hadiah sebesar 500 THB.
Fishsaga | Pirate King | Slot Machine |
Fishsaga Live | Pirate King Live | Slot Machine (indo) |
Fishsaga (Indo) | Pirate King (indo) | Tiger Gold |
Mole Hit | Mario | Tiger Gold (indo) |
Mole Hit (indo) | Mario (indo) | Happyfarm |
Hitplane | Fishsaga gold | Happyfarm (indo) |
Hitplane (indo) | Fishsaga gold (indo) | Slot Machine Live |
(Game yang berpartisipasi hanya akan berlaku selama durasi yang ditentukan di event dan
Akan pengumumkan game di siklus berikutnya pada tanggal 26 setiap bulan.)
Kondisi : VJ harus memiliki jumlah Turnover minimal 2.000.000 kupon
atau lebih untuk menerima hadiah.
(VJ dapat memeriksa Saldo Turnover di Diary > Lucky games History)
- Hadiah event akan ditranferkan Bersama gaji bulanan.
- Khusus untuk VJ rate bulanan Mcat / Mking / Mking2023 / MGlobal / Takeme / Callplay saja
yang bisa dapatkan hadiah sebesar 500 THB. (rate lain tidak and Super global bisa dapat)
- VJ rate Mcat & Mking & Mglobal wajib ada jumlah MDoll 50 Mdoll ke atas selama waktu event.
- VJ rate Mking2023 wajib ada jumlah Mking 50 Mking ke atas selama waktu event.
-VJ rate Takeme / Callplay wajib ada jumlah MDoll 30 Mdoll ke atas selama waktu event.
- Untuk VJ rate Mcat/Global yang bermain game sesuai dengan ketentuan event akan dapat bermain game sesuai dengan berikut saja dan harus melengkapi kondisi event.
- VJ yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan akan didiskualifikasi dari menerima hadiah event.
- Kami berhak mengubah detail evebt tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya.
- Berpartisipasi dalam event dan menerima hadiah harus tunduk pada ketentuan perusahaan.
- Waktu event berdasarkan waktu server.
- Keputusan kami bersifat final
Untuk pertanyaan dan report masalah, silakan hubungi
Hubungi LINE : @luckygames
atau Facebook : @luckygamesmlive
- Hadiah event akan ditranferkan Bersama gaji bulanan.
- Khusus untuk VJ rate bulanan Mcat / Mking / Mking2023 / MGlobal / Takeme / Callplay saja
yang bisa dapatkan hadiah sebesar 500 THB. (rate lain tidak and Super global bisa dapat)
- VJ rate Mcat & Mking & Mglobal wajib ada jumlah MDoll 50 Mdoll ke atas selama waktu event.
- VJ rate Mking2023 wajib ada jumlah Mking 50 Mking ke atas selama waktu event.
-VJ rate Takeme / Callplay wajib ada jumlah MDoll 30 Mdoll ke atas selama waktu event.
- Untuk VJ rate Mcat/Global yang bermain game sesuai dengan ketentuan event akan dapat bermain game sesuai dengan berikut saja dan harus melengkapi kondisi event.
- VJ yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan akan didiskualifikasi dari menerima hadiah event.
- Kami berhak mengubah detail evebt tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya.
- Berpartisipasi dalam event dan menerima hadiah harus tunduk pada ketentuan perusahaan.
- Waktu event berdasarkan waktu server.
- Keputusan kami bersifat final
Untuk pertanyaan dan report masalah, silakan hubungi
Hubungi LINE : @luckygames
atau Facebook : @luckygamesmlive