Luckycode VJ 3 APPs
Special Gift 4 U


Event Duration
Apr 22nd 2024 (12.00 AM) GMT+7 - Apr 30th 2024 (11.59 PM) GMT+7

Event Details
1. First 20 Hosts (MLive, TakeMe, CallPlay) who have most of User apply
“Lucky Code” within event duration, will be awarded.
(In case of tie number of apply the code will be final
by amount of Turnover)

2. Special reward, for which host who has 5M Turnover
on both games during event period will be rewarded.
(Limit for 3 places)

Participate Games (MLive)

Participate Games (TakeMe)

Participate Games (CallPlay)

1st place, receives 50,000 coupons
2nd place, receives 40,000 coupons
3rd place, receives 30,000 coupons
4th – 10th place, receive 20,000 coupons
11th – 20th place, receive 5,000 coupons

Top 3 receive 5,000 coupons.

Total reward of 325,000 Coupons

Reward Receiving Conditions

1st places broadcasters required to reach 20 of users
who apply their own Lucky Code
and reach 50,000 Turnover of each user.

2nd-3rd places broadcasters required to reach 18 of users
who apply their own Lucky Code
and reach 50,000 Turnover of each user.

4th – 10th places broadcasters required to reach 15
of users who apply their own Lucky Code
and reach 50,000 Turnover of each user.

11th – 20th places broadcasters required to reach 10
of users who apply their own Lucky Code
and reach 50,000 Turnover of each user.


1st places broadcasters required to reach 18 of users
who apply their own Lucky Code
and reach 50,000 Turnover of each user, receive 30,000 Coupons

1st -10th places broadcasters required to reach 15 of users
who apply their own Lucky Code
and reach 50,000 Turnover of each user, receive 20,000 Coupons

1st -20th places broadcasters required to reach 10
of users who apply their own Lucky Code
and reach 50,000 Turnover of each user, receive 5,000 Coupons

In case of couldn’t reach the mentioned amount
of user but reach 5 users will receives 2,000 coupons.
(For valid as 1 user will be counted only for user who reach 50,000 of Turnover)
- Players who attend the event must pass all conditions we provided to receive rewards.
- Event result will be announced in 5 days after event end.
- Time during offline server or maintenance times are still continue in the event.
- We reserve the right to change the event details without prior notice.
- The staff’s decision is final.
- Ranking score will be calculate in last day of the event.
- Time based from our main server.

For more information, please contact
please contact LINE : @luckygames
or Facebook : @luckygamesmlive
- Host yang berpartisipasi harus memenuhi persyaratan untuk menerima hadiah
- Event Lucky Games, tidak berhubungan dengan grade host
- Hasil event akan diumumkan dalam 5 hari kerja setelah event berakhir
- Event yang diadakan selama server shutdown atau alasan dengan alas an lain
Yang menghambat waktu online, akan mematuhi waktu akhir event seperti sebelumnya
- Tim berhak untuk mengubah detail tanpa pemberitahuan terdahulu
- Keputusan tim bersifat final
- Peringkat hadiah akan didasarkan pada peringkat yang diperbarui pada hari terakhir event
- Jika ditemukan telah memompa turnover atau membuat kondisi lain demi keuntungan,
ia akan didiskualifikasi dari penerimaan hadiah untuk semua event Lucky Games
- Waktu didasarkan pada waktu server
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, laporkan masalah atau menerima hadiah,
silakan hubungi LINE : @luckygames
atau Facebook : @luckygamesmlive
Winnine Pacific Pty Ltd ,NSW Australia
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To start accessing this website ( The company assumes that you have accepted all personal policy as mentioned.