Superb easy and chilling game is here!
Shooting your own target and adjustable your goal!
Let’s see how easy it is~
1. At first, choose your field, we do have 3 fields and
each use different number of bet coupons.
Here is the number of bet coupon we have:
Rookie Field start on 10 – 100 coupons.
General Field start on 100 – 1,000 coupons.
Pro player Field start on 1,000 – 10,000 coupons.

2. Choose your own position to shoot.

3. Then, choose type of gun or number of bet coupon.
Tap (+) icon for increase bet amount or tap (-) icon for decrease number of bet.

4. Each fish has different reward.

5. Menu tab

5.1 Exit tab, tap for exit to lobby page.

5.2 Rule icon, for checking reward rate of each fish.

5.2.1 Rule and Reward Rate

5.3 Setting tab

5.3.1 Possible to change language and adjust sound.

6. LuckyCode tab for apply host code here.

6.1 Apply LuckyCode of your favorite one.

7. Notification tab

7.1 Any update here

8. Message tab

8.1 Message window

9. Exit icon

Easy right? Let’s explore the sea~