VJ ที่มียอดอัพคลิปมากที่สุด

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Upload more for free reward
Very easy activity for host just uploads and receive.


29 November 2023 (03.00 pm) – 05 December 2023 (11.59 pm)

1. Top 5 host who upload video clips to Openfans the most during event period,
will receive cash reward.
2. Host must upload at least 5 videos during event period.
3. Video clip must be approved from staffs only.

Event reward
1st – 5th places receive 300 THB

Total prize is equal to 1,500 THB

- Host ranking, reserved the right only for GLOBAL host only. - Host who do not pass the condition will be disqualify from the event reward.
- Checking and prize rewarding by the staff takes place within 7 - 10 days.
- We reserve the right to change the event details without prior notice.
- To participate in the event and to receive rewards are under the company conditions.
- Time based from our main server.
- Time during offline server or maintenance times are still continue in the event
- The staff’s decision is final.

Sponsored by WinNine Pacific : winnine.com.au
Upload video banyak , dapatkan uang gratis
Event yang termudah hanya upload video klip

Durasi Event

29 November 2023 (15.00) – 05 Desember 2023 (23.59) WIB

Detail Event VJ
1. 5 VJ pertama yang mengupload klip terbanyak ke Openfans selama periode event akan
menerima hadiah
2. VJ harus mengupload minimal 5 klip atau lebih.
3. Jumlah klip video Hanya klip yang diapprove oleh tim yang akan dihitung.

Hadiah Event VJ
Juara 1 - 5 menerima hadiah 300 baht.

Total hadiah 1,500 baht

- Semua hanya untuk VJ Global saja
- VJ yang tidak menyelesaikan event sesuai ketentuan tidak akan menerima hadiah
- Tim akan memeriksa dan mengirimkan hadiah dalam waktu 7-10 hari kerja setelah event berakhir.
- Tim berhak menghitung poin aktivitas dari User yang melakukan top up 100 baht atau lebih.
- Kami berhak mengubah detail tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya.
- Berpartisipasi dalam event dan menerima hadiah harus tunduk pada syarat dan ketentuan perusahaan.
- Waktu terutama didasarkan pada waktu Server.
- Aktivitas apa pun yang dilakukan selama server dimatikan atau alasan lain apa pun yang
menghalangi Anda untuk online.
Waktu berakhirnya kegiatan akan dipatuhi seperti biasa.
- Keputusan tim dianggap final.

Sponsored by WinNine Pacific : winnine.com.au
Winnine Pacific Pty Ltd ,NSW Australia
Access step of the website
To start accessing this website (https://www.mlive.la/) The company assumes that you have accepted all personal policy as mentioned.