Promotion Referral
Host who invite new users to come for top up, receive hugh commission.

Event duration 1-30 November 2023

Promotion details
1. New user is a user who registered between 1-30 November 2023,
with confirmation via OTP on phone and also has been never top up.
2. System will calculate total number of top up from user who filled in host’s IDX only
(calculate during event period).
3. Host will receive commission depend on number of coupons spend in application from users,
which will not be more than top up number from users.

Promotion Referral commission for host
- 100,000,000 coupons or more, host receive 5% commission
- 10,000,000 coupons or more, host receive 3% commission
- 5,000,000 coupons or more, host receive 2% commission
- Not more than 5,000,000 coupons or more, host receive 1% commission
(Host can check on commission rate / additional promotion from diary page)

How to fill in code from host
- New users after registered, go to diary and click for “Referral” then fill in host IDX and search.
If there are a host you looking for, request for OTP confirmation.
- System will calculate total number of top up from user who passed the step above already only.
- 1 mobile phone number / 1 privilege / 1 imei

Fill in host’s code

- Privilege allow for new user with 1 imei for 1 IDX only.
- Privilege of new user is for 1 host IDX only.
- If there are same imei in any case, reward will not be transfer.
- Top up via Goldman and THC exchange will not include in this promotion.
- Time based from our main server.
- Time during offline server or maintenance times are still continue in the event.
The staff’s decision is final.
- We reserve the right to change the event details without prior notice.
- Host got 3 months for accumulate the score,
for date 26 to 27 of every month hosts must claim for their incomes.
There will not be any compound money from previous month.
- After 3 months passed, if income from a referral is less than 100 THB our staffs will transfer
as coupon. However, if its more than 100 THB our staffs will transfer as a normal transaction.
(next 3 months round will be start on 31 January 2023)
Sponsored by WinNine Pacific :
Promotion Referral
VJ yang mencari User baru untuk menambahkan kupon . Dapatkan komisi besar.

Durasi Event 1-30 November 2023

Detail promosi
1. Hitung informasi ID baru yang didaftarkan mulai 1-30 November 2023.
Dan hanya diperlukan konfirmasi OTP nomor ponsel.
Harus berupa ID yang belum pernah topup dan verifikasi nomor telepon dengan OTP sebelumnya.
2. Sistem menghitung jumlah kupon yang ditambahkan untuk semua
User baru yang memasukkan kode IDX VJ.
Jumlah tersebut akan dihitung setelah pengisian IDX VJ saja
(akumulasi top-up selama jangka waktu yang ditentukan).
3. VJ akan menerima kompensasi sesuai ketentuan. Dengan menghitung
jumlah kupon yang dibelanjakan user di aplikasi.
dan tidak boleh melebihi jumlah yang ditambahkan oleh user .

Kompensasi Referensi Promosi untuk VJ
- 100.000.000 kupon atau lebih, VJ menerima kompensasi 5%.
- 10.000.000 kupon atau lebih, VJ menerima kompensasi 3%.
- 5.000.000 kupon atau lebih, VJ menerima kompensasi 2%.
- Jumlah total tidak melebihi 5.000.000 kupon, VJ menerima kompensasi 1%.
(VJ dapat memeriksa sendiri komisi/promosi tambahannya di halaman diary)

Cara memasukkan kode VJ
- User baru, setelah selesai mendaftarkan ID, tekan di Diary.
dan pilih Referral, lalu masukkan IDX VJ dan tekan cari
Jika itu adalah ID VJ yang diinginkan, tekan untuk meminta nomor konfirmasi OTP yang benar.
- Sistem akan menghitung jumlahnya setelah pengguna menyelesaikan langkah di atas.
- 1 nomor telepon / 1 hak / 1 imei

Masukkan kode VJ

- Hak ini untuk User baru 1 imei / 1 ID saja.
- Semua hak hanya untuk ID User baru / 1 ID VJ.
- Jika tim pemeriksa menemukan bahwa itu adalah imei yang sama,
kami berhak untuk tidak membagikan hadiah.
- Tim berhak melakukan top up melalui saluran Goldman.
dan menukarkan THC dengan kupon tidak dapat berpartisipasi dalam promosi ini.
- Waktu terutama didasarkan pada waktu Server.
Sponsored by WinNine Pacific :
Winnine Pacific Pty Ltd ,NSW Australia
Access step of the website
To start accessing this website ( The company assumes that you have accepted all personal policy as mentioned.