Inter host at night

Enjoy a good night with inter host

21 September 2023 (03.00 pm) – 30 September 2023 (11.59 pm) GMT+7


Inter night
20 Coupons

1. Host who received the most “Inter night” will gain reward.
2. Host is requiring to be active every day for at least 1
during the activity period of each day at 06:00 pm – 03:00 am GMT+7
3. Minimum sent /received gift required to be over 2,000 pieces
and total receiving amount of gift required to be over 50,000 pieces
for participant to eligible to receive reward.
4. Only reserve for INTER host only, except for guarantee rate host.

Note: Valid only gifts receiving during the mentioned period.
21 September 2023 (03.00 pm) – 30 September 2023 (11.59 pm) GMT+7

Ranking Host reward User reward
1st 100,000 70,000
2nd 80,000 35,000
3rd 50,000 10,000
4th 30,000
5th 20,000
6th 15,000
7th 10,000
8th 10,000
9th 10,000
10th 10,000
Total rewards of 450,000 coupons.

- Reserved the right for host in “INTER” tab only to participate in this event.
- Minimum sent /received gift required to be over 2,000 pieces
and total receiving amount of gift required to be over 50,000 pieces
for participant to eligible to receive reward.
- In the case of broadcaster receives the same number of gifts,
the app will give broadcaster the right to receive the most of recent gift nominal first.
- Broadcaster who participates the event, must host the program and talk with user.
Broadcaster who sleeps, turns the camera to the empty room and the ceiling,
broadcasts with the black screen, or acts inappropriately while hosting the program,
will be disqualified from the rewards.
- Checking and prize giving by the staff takes place within 5 days after the event end.
- We reserve the right to change the event details without prior notice.
- The staff’s decision is final.
- Time during offline server or maintenance times are still continue in the event.
- Time’s mainly based on server.
- Reserved the right not cumulate gift and event point from non-top up user.

Sponsored by WinNine Pacific :
Inter host at night

Bersenang-senang di malam hari bersama VJ Inter.

21 September 2023 (15.00) – 30 September 2023 (23.59) WIB


Inter night
20 kupon

Detail Event
1. VJ yang menerima gift “Inter night” terbanyak akan menerima hadiah.
2. VJ harus online setiap hari selama periode event. selama minimal 1 jam Online antara pukul
18.00 - 03.00 WIB setiap hari.
3. VJ dan User harus menerima/mengirimkan minimal 2.000 gift
dan jumlah total hadiah yang dikirim harus melebihi 50.000 gift untuk menerima hadiah
4. Kami berhak mengizinkan VJ di tab INTER untuk berpartisipasi dengan event ini . Kecuali
host rate Casting

Catatan: Hanya hadiah yang dikirim dalam periode event yang dihitung.
21 September 2023 (15.00) – 30 September 2023 (23.59) WIB

Hadiah Event (kupon)
Ranking Host reward User reward
1st 100,000 70,000
2nd 80,000 35,000
3rd 50,000 10,000
4th 30,000
5th 20,000
6th 15,000
7th 10,000
8th 10,000
9th 10,000
10th 10,000
Total hadiah 450,000 kupon

- Kami berhak mengizinkan VJ di tab INTER untuk berpartisipasi dengan event ini . Kecuali host
rate Casting
- VJ dan User harus menerima/mengirimkan minimal 2.000 gift
dan jumlah total hadiah yang dikirim harus melebihi 50.000 gift untuk menerima hadiah
- Jika jumlah hadiah sama, hak akan diberikan kepada VJ yang menerima hadiah terbaru
terlebih dahulu dan memiliki ranking lebih tinggi.
- VJ yang mengikuti event tersebut harus live dan berbicara dengan para user dalam kasus
live,tetapi tunjukkan kamar kosong, lantai, plafon, layar hitam, atau melanggar peraturan
akan didiskualifikasi dari event ini.
- Tim akan mengecek dan mengirimkan hadiah kupon dalam waktu 5 hari kerja setelah event
- Kami berhak untuk mengubah tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya.
- Mengikuti dalam event dan menerimahadiah tunduk pada kondisi perusahaan.
- Waktu event berdasarkan waktu server.
- Keputusan kami bersifat final.
- Event yang diadakan selama waktu tutup server atau karena alasan tidak bisa online.
Tanggal akhir event seperti semula.
- Tim berhak untuk tidak menghitung poin event yang menerima hadiah dari user tanpa topup

Sponsored by WinNine Pacific :
Winnine Pacific Pty Ltd ,NSW Australia
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