VJ has the highest points


User has the highest points

Tap to see more of ranking.


Broadcaster and User who collect the most point
of “JACKPOT BOOM” will receive the rewards.
19 SEPTEMBER 2023 (03:00 PM) - 27 SEPTEMBER 2023 (11:59 PM) GMT+7

10 Coupons

1.Broadcaster who receive BOOM BOOM and hit the most jackpot, will be rewarded.

☆ 1 gift = 1 point
☆ Sending gift “BOOM BOOM” and hit the jackpot,
receive more points equal to the jackpot
For example, User sends 99 gifts and hit the jackpot 500 times,
User and VJ will receive 99 + 500 = 599 points.
2. User have to send “BOOM BOOM” gift to VJ only.
3. VJ should have at least 5,000 points of jackpot, will be receive the reward.
4. Total event reward must more than 60,000 pieces, as a prize giving condition.
5. In case of User sends gift to User or VJ sends to VJ or User,
will not count as cumulate event gift.

Broadcaster who receives
the most gifts will be rewarded.

1st place, receives 1,000 THB.
2nd place, receives 700 THB.
3rd place, receives 300 THB.

THB Currency will be based on the date
that team final the event.
User who sends the most gifts,
will be rewarded.
1st place, receives 80,000 Coupons
2nd place, receives 50,000 Coupons
3rd place, receives 30,000 Coupons

TOTAL REWARDS OF 2,000 + 160,000 Coupons
- Reserved the right for only signed Broadcaster/Host
in the INTER tab to participate this event.
- Broadcaster and User should have at least 5,000 points
to receive the reward, if not all of user who joined
the event will be disqualified from the rewards.
- Broadcaster who participated the event should be active at least 6 hours.
- User ranking of sending gifts,
Broadcaster with contract is not allowed to participated the event.
- Broadcaster who joined in the event will be counted
only for the show and talk to the players.
In case of lying in the empty room, show ceiling,
black screen or do something inappropriate
in broadcast will be eliminated to get rewards.
- Broadcaster who participated the event have to be committed
the company to use event pictures for promote
in marketing activity without pay.
- Only for 1-year contract Broadcaster
-Checking and prize rewarding by the staff takes place within 5 days
after the event has been over, and the rewards take place within 2023/10/04
- THB Currency will be based on the date that team final the event.
- Cash reward will be received with monthly salary.
- We reserve the right to change the event details without prior notice.
- Event participation and reward receiving
must be under the company conditions.
- Time’s mainly based on server.
- Any events are organized in server downtime or for any reasons which are
unable to online will be based on the end of event as before.
- The staff’s decision is final.
- Reserved the right not cumulate gift and event point from non-top up user.
Sponsored by WinNine Pacific : winnine.com.au

VJ dan User yang diakumulasi poin
paling banyak akan mendapatkan hadiah
Durasi event
19 SEPTEMBER 2023 (15:00) - 27 SEPTEMBER 2023 (23:59) WIB
Gift event

harga 10 kupon
Detail event
1. VJ yang ada user kirimkan gift JACKPOT BOOM
dan Jackpot paling banyak akan mendapatkan hadiah
Cara untuk dihitung
☆ 1 gift= 1 poin
☆ Kirimkan gift JACKPOT BOOM dan
Jika dapat Jackpot poinnya akan ditambah sesuai dengan jumlah jakcpot
Contoh : User kirimkan 99 gift dan Jackpot x500
User dan VJ akan dapatkan 99 + 500 = 599 poin
2. User harus mengirim gift JR BOMB ke VJ saja
3. VJ harus ada jumlah poin Jackpot
minimal 5.000 pcs akan bisa mendapatkan hadiah
4.Gift event dari seruluh server harus lebih banyak dari 60.000 pcs.
Jika tidak capai yang ditentukan VJ and User tidak ada dapat reward
5. Jika User kirimkan ke user atau VJ kirimkan
VJ atau user poin hadiah tidak akan dihitung

VJ yang diterima gift paling banyak
akan menerima hadiah

Juara 1 akan mendapatkan 1,000 BAHT
Juara 2 akan mendapatkan 700 BAHT
Juara 3 akan mendapatkan 300 BAHT
User yang mengirim gift paling banyak
akan mendapat hadiah
Juara 1 akan mendapatkan 80.000 kupon
Juara 2 akan mendapatkan 50.000 kupon
Juara 3 akan mendapatkan 30.000 kupon

Total hadiah 2,000 BAHT + 160.000 kupon
- VJ dan User harus mendapat gift lebih dari 5.000 pcs untuk mendapat hadiah,
jika giftnya kurang dari 5.000 akan didiskualifikasi dari event.
- VJ yang mengikuti event ini harus memiliki jam live setidaknya 6 jam.
- User ranking yang mengirim hadiah,kami berhak untuk tidak mengizinkan
VJ yang menandatangani kontrak bergabung dalam event.
- VJ yang mengikuti event tersebut harus live dan berbicara
dengan para user dalam kasus live,tetapi tunjukkan kamar kosong
, lantai,plafon,layar hitam,atau melanggar peraturan akan
didiskualifikasi dari event ini.
- VJ yang mengikui event ini harus mengizinkan
tim kami untuk memakai foto-foto yang sudah
post di event ini untuk event pemasaran
tanpa klaim kompensasi dan biaya apa pun.
- Hanya untuk VJ yang ada kontrak kerja 1 tahun
- Tim admin akan memeriksa hadiah event dalam waktu 5 hari kerja setelah
event berakhir dan kirim hadiah event sebelum tanggal 2023/10/04
-Kurs THB akan menjadi nilai tukar uang pada hari tim menghitung uang.
- Hadiah uang tunai akan diberikan dengan gaji.
- VJ yang menerima hadiah uang tunai jika setelah event berakhir VJ
- Kami berhak untuk mengubah tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya.
- mengikut dalam event dan menerima hadiah tunduk pada kondisi perusahaan
- Waktu event berdasarkan waktu server
- Event yang diadakan selama waktu tutup server atau karena alasan
tidak bisa online tanggal akhir event seperti semula
- Keputusan kami bersifat final.
- Tim berhak untuk tidak menghitung poin event yang menerima
hadiah dari user yang belum pernah topup
Sponsored by WinNine Pacific : winnine.com.au
Winnine Pacific Pty Ltd ,NSW Australia
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To start accessing this website (https://www.mlive.la/) The company assumes that you have accepted all personal policy as mentioned.