VJ Received " Megglock " Highest




Tap to see more of ranking.

Special bonus ever for INTER Global host who earn under 300 USD!

04 September 2023 (12.00 am) - 25 September 2023 (11.59 pm) GMT+7

1. Host who receives most of MEggLock from unlock during event period will receive reward.
2. Require to receive over 500 pieces of MEggLock from unlock.
3. Host who can participate this event must be host who earn under 300 USD on August 2023 round.
4. Guarantee rate host will not possible to participate in this event.
5. Host require to register before 26 July 2023.

Check your privilege

1st place receives, 1,000 THB.
2nd place receives, 800 THB.
3rd place receives, 500 THB.
4th place receives, 50,000 coupons.
5th place receives, 30,000 coupons.
6th – 10th place receives, 10,000 coupons.

TOTAL REWARDS OF 2,300 THB + 130,000 coupons.

- Host ranking, reserved the right only INTER global with no guarantee.
- Broadcaster who participates the event, must host the program and talk with user.
Broadcaster who sleeps, turns the camera to the empty room and the ceiling,
broadcasts with the black screen, or acts inappropriately while hosting the program,
will be disqualified from the rewards.
- Host who couldn’t complete event condition will disqualify from reward.
- Gifts send by non-top up user is not counting.
- We reserve the right to change the event details without prior notice.
- To participate in the event and to receive rewards are under the company conditions.
- Time based from our main server.
- Event time will be continue during offline time of server or any unexpected situation.
- The final consideration will come from our staff.

Sponsored by WinNine Pacific : winnine.com.au
Bonus special untuk VJ global yang punya gaji tidak capai 300 USD !

Event Durasi
04 September 2023 (00.00) - 25 September 2023 (23.59 pm) WIB

Detail event
1. VJ yang menerima gift Meglock dari lockroom paling banyak selama periode event akan menerima hadiah.
2. VJ harus menerima gift Meglock dari lockroom ruangan sebanyak 500 gift atau lebih.
3. VJ yang dapat mengikuti event ini adalah VJ yang berpenghasilan kurang dari 300 USD pada bulan Agustus 2023.
4. VJ rate casting yang ada uang garansi tidak dapat berpartisipasi dalam event ini.
5. VJ yang dapat bergabung harus mendaftar sebelum 26 Juli 2023.

Check your privilege

Hadiah Event
Juara 1000 baht
Juara 2 800 baht
Juara 3 500 baht
Juara 4 50000 kupon
Juara 5 30000 kupon
Juara 6-10 10.000 kupon

Total hadiah 2.300 baht + 130.000 kupon

- VJ Ranking khusus untuk VJ Global INTER yang tidak berada di rate casting saja.
VJ rate casting akan tidak bisa mengekliam hadiah dari event ini.
- VJ yang berpartisipasi dalam event hitung hanya VJ online dan berbicara dengan User saja,
Jika tidur, membiarkan layar kosong, lantai, langit-langit atau melanggar peraturan akan
didiskualifikasi untuk menerima hadiah.
- VJ yang tidak menyelesaikan kondisi event tidak akan menerima hadiah.
- Tim berhak untuk tidak menghitung poin event yang menerima gift dari user yang belum pernah topup.
- Kami berhak mengubah detail tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya.
- Berpartisipasi dalam event dan menerima hadiah harus tunduk pada ketentuan perusahaan.
- Waktu event berdasarkan waktu server.
- Event yang berada selama waktu tutup server atau offine
- karena alasan tidak bisa online Tanggal akhir event seperti semula.
- Keputusan kami bersifat final.

Sponsored by WinNine Pacific : winnine.com.au
Winnine Pacific Pty Ltd ,NSW Australia