VJ with the highest points
User with the highest points
Tap to see more of ranking.
Mother comes baby!
Upload hot VDO and for who has the most of !
unlock number will get the prize!
31 August 2023 (10.00 AM) – 06 September 2023 (11.59 PM) GMT+7
1. Upload your video on OpenFans tab during event period.
(Amount of lock gift have to relate on video content)
2. The video which is uploaded and approved by the team during
event period will be qualified.
3. Event points will be counted by the number of coupon users
unlocked during event period.
4. Top 5 hosts who have the most points will be rewarded.
- Amera uploads a video by set lock gift as “Join Me” gift
for 1 piece (6,000 coupons) and 3 users unlock her video.
Amera received 18,000 points.
- Bellina uploads a video with “Haven Me” gift
for 1 piece (34,000 coupons) and 5 users unlock her video.
Bellina received 170,000 points.
1st place, receives 5,000 THB.
2nd place, receives 3,000 THB.
3rd place, receives 2,000 THB.
4th place, receives 1,000 THB.
5th place, receives 500 THB.
1st place, receives 50,000 coupons.
2nd place, receives 30,000 coupons.
3rd place, receives 10,000 coupons.
Note: Total unlock number required to be over 3,000 times
for incomplete the condition, all participants will not receive any reward.

- Only Global hosts can participate in this event.
- Host who didn't reach the conditions will not receive any rewards.
- For checking and sending the reward will be within 7-10 days
after the end of the event period.
- Reserve the right for users who have topped up over 3 USD
to count the event point.
- We reserve the right to change
The event details without prior notice.
- To participated the event and received
Rewards are under the company conditions.
- Time is based on the server.
- The staff’s decision is final.
- The app follows the advertised event’s period time
Regardless of whether a server issue or similar case arises.
-For more information, please contact Line @openfans
Sponsored by WinNine Pacific : winnine.com.au
- Only Global hosts can participate in this event.
- Host who didn't reach the conditions will not receive any rewards.
- For checking and sending the reward will be within 7-10 days
after the end of the event period.
- Reserve the right for users who have topped up over 3 USD
to count the event point.
- We reserve the right to change
The event details without prior notice.
- To participated the event and received
Rewards are under the company conditions.
- Time is based on the server.
- The staff’s decision is final.
- The app follows the advertised event’s period time
Regardless of whether a server issue or similar case arises.
-For more information, please contact Line @openfans
Sponsored by WinNine Pacific : winnine.com.au
Mother comes baby!
Siapa yang memiliki jumlah unlock tertinggi
akan menerima hadiah uang tunai!!
31 Agustus 2023 (10.00) - 06 September 2023 (11.59) WIB
1. VJ harus upload klip di OpenFans selama waktu event.
(Gift harus terkait dengan konten klip dan memenuhi kondisi event.)
2. Hitung poin hanya untuk klip yang diupload selama periode event
serta dapat disetujui oleh tim selama periode event.
3. Hitung poin dari total kupon yang User unlock klip selama periode event.
4. 5 VJ pertama yang memiliki poin paling tinggi akan menerima hadiah.
- VJ A upload klip dan setting gift “Join Me”
harga 6.000 kupon, 1 gift.
Ada 3 User yang unlock, VJ akan menerima 18.000 poin.
- VJ B upload klip dan setting gift “Haven Me”
harga 34.000 kupon 1 gift.
Ada 5 User yang unlock, VJ akan menerima 170.000 poin.
Juara 1 akan mendapatkan 5.000 THB
Juara 2 akan mendapatkan 3.000 THB
Juara 3 akan mendapatkan 2.000 THB
Juara 4 akan mendapatkan 1.000 THB
Juara 5 akan mendapatkan 500 THB
Juara 1 akan mendapatkan 50.000 kupon
Juara 2 akan mendapatkan 30.000 kupon
Juara 3 akan mendapatkan 10.000 kupon
Catatan: harus ada total jumlah unlock klip yang mengikut dalam event setidak 3.000 kali
jumlah unlock klip tidak tercapai, VJ tidak akan menerima hadiah.

- Khusus untuk VJ Global saja.
- VJ yang tidak menyelesaikan kondisi event tidak akan menerima hadiah.
- Tim akan memeriksa hadiah dalam waktu 7-10 hari kerja setelah event berakhir.
- Kami berhak mengubah detail tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya.
- mengikut dalam event dan hadiah harus di bawah kondisi perusahaan.
- Waktu event berdasarkan waktu server.
- Event yang diadakan selama waktu tutup server atau offine
karena alasan tidak bisa online Tanggal akhir event seperti semula.
- Keputusan kami bersifat final.
Sponsored by WinNine Pacific : winnine.com.au
- Khusus untuk VJ Global saja.
- VJ yang tidak menyelesaikan kondisi event tidak akan menerima hadiah.
- Tim akan memeriksa hadiah dalam waktu 7-10 hari kerja setelah event berakhir.
- Kami berhak mengubah detail tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya.
- mengikut dalam event dan hadiah harus di bawah kondisi perusahaan.
- Waktu event berdasarkan waktu server.
- Event yang diadakan selama waktu tutup server atau offine
karena alasan tidak bisa online Tanggal akhir event seperti semula.
- Keputusan kami bersifat final.
Sponsored by WinNine Pacific : winnine.com.au
Winnine Pacific Pty Ltd ,NSW Australia