M Life origin a new live platform for M Life community
Who love to travel along website with easy engagement, no need for application installs
moreover, browser is useable with PC and mobile phone
Discover new experience now “click” :Mliveh.5.com.au
go to :Mlive.la.com.auorMcat.com.au

After enter the link there will be main interface
tap for “I will save” or CTRL+D on keyboard
to bookmark the link for easily come back

Choose for the host you like enter their room and enjoy their live

Mobile phone also provides full screen live as same as PC

TIP! Viewer can drag live screen tab to any corner of PC for more convenience
while working or doing something else, watching live stream is possible at the same time

Don’t forget to “bookmark” so you won’t miss the next live of our host
below is the steps how to bookmark on IOS
(using Safari)

Android (using Chrome)

While enjoy live stream don’t forget to register an IDX for next login
so you can join many activities we provide and receives a lot of free rewards