FRESH UPDATE! Hunt for WinwinCoin mission,
Daily join for Users and Broadcasters.
Just complete the conditions and receive WinWin Coin! Let’s see the details.
How to Hunt for WinwinCoin
and receive Winwin Coin

1. Tap on ‘Hunt for WinwinCoin’ menu.

2. On ‘Hunt for WinwinCoin’ tab will show list of things to enable following these:

Name Details
VJ Live (Only for broadcaster) Online more than 4 hrs.
Watch Live (Only for user) Watch live stream for more than 4 hrs.
Pay Coupon (Broadcaster and User) Spend more than 20,000 coupons.
Topup (Broadcaster and User) Minimum of 20,000 coupons.
Watch Ads (Broadcaster and User) Watch Ads at least 10 times.
Jackpot Hit the jackpot for 500 times more than 10 times / day.
VJ Mking (Only for Broadcaster) Broadcaster get more 10 Mking per days
VJ Mdoll (Only for Broadcaster) Broadcaster get more 10 Mdoll per days
AngPao (Broadcaster and User) get Angpao 200 Coupons per days
Topup X5 (Broadcaster and User) Minimum of 100,000 coupons.
Pay Coupon X5 (Broadcaster and User) Spend more than 100,000 coupons.
Jackpot X3 Hit the jackpot for 500 times more than 30 times / day.
Unlock Mdoll Unlock Room VJ 1 doll / day.
3. Tap ‘Enable’ on mission that you want to join
in and complete all of conditions for rewarded.
After enable the tap will change to ‘Activated’ and ‘REWARD’.

Example of unactivated mission. Example of activated mission.
**Remark: Information will update every 1 hr.**
4. If complete all of conditions please tap on ‘REWARD’
and claim reward window will show up.
EX: Watch live session for 4 hrs. will receives 0.05 WinWin Coins.

**Remark: Required to CLAIM rewards within 12 hrs. after completed
commission after that will unable to claim. **

5. For check Received Rewards History please go to ‘Hunt for WinwinCoin’ menu.

“Claim History” Page

For more information or report issue
please contact Inbox on Facebook
MLife or MLiveFanClub
Misi Mencari WinwinCoin
Cara baru untuk mendapatkan WinwinCoin !!
Baik VJ dan User bisa ikut dalam kesenangan setiap hari !
Hanya mengikuti langkah berikut ini untun dapatkan Winwin Coin
gratis! Coba kita liat detialnya.

Cara untuk mengikuti misi mencari
Winwin Coin

1.Layar Winwin Coin, Pilih menu ‘Misi Mencari WinwinCoin’

2.Di layar ‘Misi Mencari WinwinCoin’ akan muncul list yang bisa
kalian Aktifkan di bawah

Nama Misi Detail
VJ Live (VJ) Live lebih 4 jam.
Nonton Live (USER)Nonton live lebih dari 4 jam.
Habiskan Kupon (VJ dan USER) Kirim gift ke VJ lebih 20.000 kupon
Topup (Broadcaster and User) TopUp lebih 20.000 kupon
Watch Ads (VJ dan USER) Nonton Iklan lebih 10 kali.
Jackpot (VJ dan USER) menang Jackpot 500 times sebanyak 10 kali/hari
VJ Mking (VJ) Mendapat MKing 10 Mking atau lebih / hari
VJ Mdoll (VJ) Mendapat MDoll 10 Mdoll atau lebih /hari
AngPao (VJ dan USER) Dapat kupon dari Angpao lebih dari 200 kupon /hari
Topup X5 (Broadcaster and User) TopUp lebih 100.000 kupon
Habiskan Kupon X5 (VJ dan USER) Kirim gift ke VJ lebih 100.000 kupon
Jackpot X3 (VJ dan USER) menang Jackpot 500 times sebanyak 30 kali/hari
Unlock Mdoll Unlock Room VJ 1 doll / day.
3.Di layar ‘Misi Mencari WinwinCoin’ klik ‘Activate’
di bawah misi yang ingin Anda ikut
Selasaikan misi untuk mendapatkan hadiah WinwinCoin
Setelah klik ‘Activate’ , Tombol akan digantikan
jadi ‘Activated’ dan ‘REWARD’

Contoh misi yang belum diaktifkan Contoh misi yang sudah diaktifkan

**Note : Update data setiap 1 jam **
4.Setalah menyelasaikan misi, Klik di ‘REWARD’ nanti
akan muncul layar detail hadiah yang dapat
Contoh; Menyelasaikan misi nonton live 4 jam akan mendapat 0.05 Winwin Coin.

**Note : Rewardnya bisa diambil 12 jam setelah sudah selasaikan misi **
5.Bisa liat history di tombol ‘Claim History’
dalam Menu ‘Misi Mencari WinwinCoin’
Akan muncul layar Claim History

Contoh Layar Claim History

Jika ada pertanyaan bisa lansugn
nanya di Inbox Facebook
MLife atau MLiveFanClub
Winnine Pacific Pty Ltd ,NSW Australia
การเข้าใช้เว็บไซต์นี้ ( บริษัทฯ ถือว่า ท่านได้ยอมรับใน นโยบายข้อมูลส่วนบุคคล ทั้งหมดที่ระบุไว้