How to play Mixedten.
Special for VIP, this is how to play Mixedten.
You can call it Mixedten or Somsip. Mixedten is the game play
by card and you have to match each 2 cards for 10 points as its name.
Don’t miss this fun game.
How to play
1. Choose room for play and in each room
will use coupon in difference price.

2.Press this button for enter the game.

3. After enter the room, dealer will give player 5 cards.

4.After all players receive the cards Joker card will show on the table.
Joker card can match every card. Match both of cards will count as 10 points.
Broke card cannot match with others card except color card.
For example, Joker card (4) with Broke card (6)

5. First player has to pick 1 card first.
In your hand will have 3 poker pairs of cards (6 cards)
If the cards can match in 10 points for 3 pairs,
will win this game but if not, you have to show 1 card on the table.

6. Tab for change language.

7.Tab for game explanation.

8.Button for open/close sound.

9. Exit the game for back to the lobby.

10.Exit the game.

Winnine Pacific Pty Ltd ,NSW Australia