Special for VJ, Invite User to play Pirate King,
Win bonus for free !!!

Event Details
1. VJ claims “Lucky Code”
and gives User the code. User enter it in the game.
2. VJ will receive the share of coupons from
all “Turnover” of User whom VJ invited.
More “Turnover”, More receiving!!
3. Accumulate every 10,000 Coupons,
Then VJ can receive rewards.
VJ must claims rewards on website luckygame.in.th
How to get the “Lucky Code” for VJ?
1. Go to website luckygame.in.th
2. Login ID.
3. Choose “Lucky Code” title.
4. Give User the received code.
User enters the code in the “Register” box in the game.

How to enter “Code” in the game (For User.)
1. After User receives the code from VJ,
Enter to the “Pirate King” game
and tap on "Code" for registration.

2) Enter the code then tap on “OK”.
The registration is completed.

Winnine Pacific Pty Ltd ,NSW Australia
Access step of the website
To start accessing this website (https://www.mlive.la/) The company assumes that you have accepted all personal policy as mentioned.