BLACKJACK Online is the most famous card
game in the world. Because it has various
methods & rules to play. The Luck doesn’t
matter in this game, you only use the art of calculation to win.
Expert player has the chance to win the game more than 90%.
Many times, when we watch the gamble movie,
we saw them choose the black jack for absolutely win.
With the card counting, calling, face downing and stopping,
every action have been calculated by the rules of the mathematics.
BLACKJACK’s card calling, surrendering and stopping
techniques by the rules of statistics.
In every decision, we don’t do it randomly
but we do it according to the rules of mathematics.
No matter win percentage or lose percentage,
everything has been decided. So, we should do as follows:

“Stop calling: when you have 17, 18, 19 or 20 points”
If you have total 16 points in your hands:
when the dealer open the first card,
and that card is 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 you should stop calling the card.
Because the difference your points and the dealer points is very high.
So, the dealer’s hands have very low chance to more than yours.
/ If the first card is 7, 8 you should call for one more card
to make a chance to your hands to have more points than the dealer’s.
/ And if the first card is 9, 10 or A you should stop calling
or you can try your luck. Because each other
have a chance to have high points in their hands.
If you have total 15 points in your hands:
when the dealer open the first card,
and that card is 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 you should stop calling the card.
Because the difference your points and the dealer points is quite high.
So, the dealer’s hands have very low chance to more than yours.
/ If the first card is 7, 8, 9 or A you should call
for one more card to make a chance to your hands
to have more points than the dealer’s. /
And if the first card is 10 you should stop calling
or you can try your luck. Because each other have a chance
to have high points in their hands.
If you have total 13 or 14 points in your hands:
when the dealer open the first card,
and that card is 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 you should
stop calling the card. Because both sides have a low chance
to have high points. So, you should don't risk. /
If the first card is 7, 8, 9, 10 or A you should call for one more card
to make a chance to your hands to have more points than the dealer’s.
It should be worth to try to win the dealer’s in this situation.
If you have total 12 points in your hands:
when the dealer open the first card, and that card is 4, 5 or 6
you should stop calling the card.
Because the dealer points is quite low. So,
the dealer’s hands have High chance to draw or win.
/ If the first card is 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10 or A you should call for one more card
to make a chance to your hands to have more points than the dealer’s.
Because the dealer’s hands have a high chance to win
(You should call when **2 & 3** because the high points
cards are still not be draw. So,
a chance that dealer will it’s very high.)
If you have total 11 points or less:
Because your hands are very low points,
it should be worth to try to win the dealer’s in this situation.

Black Jack’s counting techniques
Maybe many people will think that these
techniques are so very hard.
But it will be easy when you play it online,
because you can take a note. The most important
thing is you must have the endurance,
don’t do the high bet, and use above techniques until you master
to it. First replace the number of the cards with a simple number,
and count every card in every hand. So, we must to counting it hard.
Normally BLACKJACK have about 6 hands in the game, let’s prepare to take a note.
Count +1 on 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 cards
Don’t count on 7, 8, 9 cards
Count -1 on 10, J, Q, K and A cards
How to count, If the cards is appeared
in 2 you will count 1, but if next card appear 10 you will count -1.
And when the + total is more than 16,
that is your best chance because the low cards are almost out of the deck.
So, the left cards is almost the high points card.
How to play in this situation is just don’t call much cards,
because the dealer will call the card, and the points will over.
And split the cards every time you draw an even number card.
And we should stop calling when we have 13 or 14 points,
because if we draw a 10 the point will be over.