How to play “Three Kingdoms”
“Three Kingdoms” is the poker card game
and it’s very easy and not complicated to play
by competing between 3 warriors.
The highest – lowest card ranking is
“Three of a Kind” > “Straight Flush” > “Flush” > “Straight” > “Pair” > “Single Card”
For the Mini Poker players, this game is very easy to understand.
How to play
1. In each round, there will be
the winner in only one slot determined
by the highest card ranking as follows;
“Three of a Kind” > “Straight Flush” > “Flush”
> “Straight” > “Pair” > “Single Card”.
In case of having the same card type and same card value,
the winner is determined by the card suit as follow;
“Spade” > “Heart” > “Diamond” > “Club”.

2. There are 3 betting slots and each slot
will pay off the prizes rates x3.

3. “Keep Betting” button means
that players will bet the same amount
of the previous round that the players have bet.

4. “Betting History” button is for checking
the betting information of the players.

5. “Trend”, This is for checking the results
of game rewarding in the previous round.

6. “Game Description” button.

7. “In-Game Sound Setting” button.

8. “Language Setting” button.

9. “Return To Mlive” Button.

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